How a Top 5 P&C Insurer Revolutionized Their Claims Process with n2uitive

Learn how one of North America's leading property and casualty insurers uses n2uitive to manage recorded statements, boosting efficiency and customer satisfaction.

How a Top 5 P&C Insurer Revolutionized Their Claims Process with n2uitive

About the Insurer

This top 5 P&C insurer manages millions of claims across North America every year, employing over 5,000 adjusters. They are committed to delivering exceptional customer service and operational efficiency.

Initial Challenges

Before discovering n2uitive, the insurer grappled with several pressing challenges:

Inefficient Processes: The previous system was cumbersome and not equipped to handle their growing volume of recorded statements efficiently. This led to significant delays in processing claims.

Training and Usability Issues: Adjusters faced a steep learning curve with the old system, resulting in prolonged training periods and reduced productivity during the onboarding process.

Scalability Concerns: As the business expanded, it became increasingly clear that the existing system could not scale effectively to meet the demands of a larger adjuster workforce and an increasing number of claims. Additionally, the insurer wanted a platform that could be easily deployed across new acquisitions.

Transforming Their Processes

Recognizing the need for a more capable and scalable solution, the insurer turned to n2uitive. The n2uitive platform is tailored for ease of use, allowing adjusters to effortlessly record, store, and share statements, all within one integrated system.

“What’s been great about n2uitive is that we can expand our use of the platform to address different needs across the business. This has resulted in significant cost savings and, most importantly, a better customer experience”, a senior manager explains.

Implementing a Unified Solution

With n2uitive, the insurer replaced their outdated system with a modern, streamlined platform designed to meet both their current and future needs. 

Not only did n2uitive prove to be easy for their adjusters to begin using, thanks to its user-friendly interface and comprehensive functionality, but it also seamlessly migrated all historical statements. Enabling adjusters to conveniently access past statements from one unified interface. 

By integrating n2uitive as their Recorded Statement Lifecycle Management platform, the insurer has enabled their adjusters to access and manage recorded statements on-demand, greatly reducing the time spent per claim.

The Results

The adoption of n2uitive has led to considerable improvements in efficiency and customer service:

Time Savings: Adjusters experience a 30% reduction in time spent managing statements and can triage claims within their RSLM workflow to identify those where they can achieve faster claims resolutions.

Improved Onboarding: New adjusters adapt quickly to the platform, with minimal downtime.

“It takes less than a day for adjusters to get up to speed and ready to work with n2uitive” notes the manager.

Ongoing Benefits

The insurer continues to benefit from the flexibility and scalability of n2uitive. As they expand, n2uitive’s platform remains central to their strategy of providing superior service and handling claims more effectively.

Thanks to n2uitive’s ease of use, the insurer has since elected to use the platform across a broader task base leading to a substantial reduction in time required to settle the majority of their Automobile claims.

“n2uitive is easy to use, available on demand, and helps our adjusters to save time as they complete the claims investigation” the senior manager adds.

Looking Forward

The insurer plans to continue leveraging n2uitive to meet their evolving needs, ensuring they remain at the forefront of the insurance industry in efficiency and customer satisfaction.

“n2uitive is integral to our claims management process, helping us adapt and thrive in a competitive environment”, concludes the senior manager.

Is your organization ready to adopt a true recorded statement management platform? Join the ranks of leading insurers who rely on n2uitive for efficiency, reliability, and cost savings. Reach out to us today to learn more.

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