A Top P&C Insurer’s Strategy for Reducing TCO with n2uitive

Discover how a leading property and casualty insurance provider revolutionized their approach to statement management, enhancing efficiency and adaptability through n2uitive's innovative cloud-based solution.

A Top P&C Insurers Strategy for Reducing TCO

About the Insurer

As one of the top 100 P&C insurance providers in North America, this company operates in 49 states, managing a net premium of $2 billion. With millions of claims to process and a large adjuster workforce, they prioritize efficiency and reliability in their operations.

Initial Challenges

Before integrating n2uitive into their workflow, the insurer faced significant hurdles:

Outdated Hardware Solutions: Existing hardware-based systems were unreliable and unable to support the insurer's hybrid work model, hindering adjusters' ability to capture statements efficiently across multiple locations.

Lack of Integration: The absence of an integrated solution led to manual efforts and inefficiencies, impacting the speed and accuracy of claims processing.

Scalability Concerns: With a rapidly growing business, the insurer needed a solution that could scale seamlessly to accommodate their expanding adjuster workforce and increasing claim volume.

Transforming Their Process

Recognizing the limitations of their existing systems, the insurer turned to n2uitive for a modern solution. n2uitive's cloud-based platform offered the flexibility and reliability they needed to streamline their statement management processes.

“Prior to N2uitive, we lacked an integrated solution, so we were heavily dependent upon manual effort and inefficient solutions”, comments a senior manager.

Implementing a Flexible Solution

n2uitive's cloud-based platform proved to be a game-changer for the insurer, offering:

Flexibility: Adjusters can now capture, store, and share statements from any device, at any time, ensuring seamless operations in both office and field settings.

Reliability: With n2uitive, the insurer experienced improved reliability and uptime, allowing adjusters to focus on their core tasks without worrying about system failures.

Cost Savings: By leveraging n2uitive's efficient workflows and cloud-based infrastructure, the insurer reduced their total cost of ownership by 50% compared to traditional hardware solutions and associated IT support costs.

The insurer now enjoys the benefits of a leading recorded statement lifecycle solution at a fraction of the cost of traditional alternatives.

Continued Success with n2uitive

As the insurer continues to grow and evolve, they remain confident in n2uitive's ability to support their changing needs and drive ongoing success in statement management.

“n2uitive ensures that we maximize the value resulting from our current technology investments and can easily integrate with our Claims Management System (Guidewire)”, concludes the senior manager.

Looking Ahead

With n2uitive as their trusted partner, the insurer is well-positioned to navigate future challenges and maintain their commitment to excellence in statement management.

Is your organization ready to modernize its statement management processes? Join the ranks of leading insurers who rely on n2uitive for efficiency, reliability, and cost savings. Reach out to us today to learn more.

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