n2uitive + Guidewire™ Claimcenter
Simplify your claims process with integrated, on-demand call initiation and statement recording done in Guidewire™ ClaimCenter.

Unify Your Recorded Statement Lifecycle with One Cloud-Based Solution
Unify Your Recorded Statement Lifecycle with One Cloud-Based Solution
Easy, on-demand recording
n2uitive's unique ‘call me’ feature enables adjusters to quickly initiate claims recordings at the click of a button from ClaimCenter.
Securely share and review statements
All data and recordings are encrypted continually so that recordings can be securely sent.
Automatically sync statements
n2utive removes redundant effort by seamlessly initiating the calls in ClaimCenter and integrating with the n2uitive RSLM.
Securely store, index and archive statements
Files are securely stored in n2uitive, following your retention policy, and filed with the associated information from ClaimCenter
Order transcripts with a single click
n2uitive simplifies adjusters’ processes by maintaining secure integrations to simplify ordering statement transcripts.
Streamline Your Recorded Statement Process with the n2uitive Guidewire™ Accelerator
Simplify your recorded statements by initating recorded statement from within Guidewire™ ClaimCenter at any time and from anywhere.
Transform Your Recorded Statement Process with the n2uitive Guidewire™ Accelerator
Simplify your recorded statements by initating recorded statement from within Guidewire™ ClaimCenter at any time and from anywhere.

Effortlessly Manage Your Recorded Statements with n2uitive ClaimCenter
Reduce effort and manual entry errors, n2uitive files are automatically populated from the Guidewire™ ClaimsCenter, saving you time and effort.

The Preferred Choice for Claims Organizations Nationwide
Used by more than 10,000 claims adjusters across the United States, with 1 million+ statements recorded, stored and indexed yearly.

Discover the Power of n2uitive with Guidewire ClaimCenter
Help us tailor our solution to your specific needs.